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Photo Gallery 15

DePaul University, Illinois wins Carter Award in the State

Recipients of the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Campus Community Collaboration. Seen here is the first place DePaul University team and the first place Puerto Rican Cultural Center team.

The Loyola University team and the George B Swift Specialy School team were awarded second place for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Campus Community Collaboration.

McKendree University representatives and volunteers from the Christian Activity Center were awarded the third place Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Award for Campus Community Collaboration.

Maddie Orenstein from Northwestern University and Brenda Roethel of Trinity Christian College show off their CASE (Carter Acedemic Service Entrepreneur) Student Awards.

Carter Foundation representative Miguel Satut who is also the Program Director for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is seen here with some of the DePaul University's Steans Center team.