CASE Grant Winner Announced at Georgia Tech.
"Project Redistrict" in E-democracy has won the CASE competition. Student, Sheetul Hassan and the faculty advisor Dr. Rich Demillo would receive a Certificate of Merit and Distinction respectively along with funding from C2P by President Peterson of Ga. Tech.
This project is a great example of interdisciplinary work between College of Computing, School of industrial and Systems Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Project Redistrict aims to generate public awareness about political issues such as gerrymandering voting districts by creating a website that allows users to redraw district maps of their counties, states, and provinces. It is implementing a mathematical algorithm to automatically redistrict regions using data from census agencies, and it's long-term goal is to create a user-friendly web page that redistricts areas of nations based on certain parameters, such as population equality, compactness, and contiguity.
Project Website:
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